A path as wide as the world

A Guide to Help Local Facilitators Prepare Parishes for the Meeting in Dublin

“Support diocesan delegates and their teams in organizing volunteers in parishes or in parish networks”—This is the purpose of the Guide for the local facilitators, designed to help parishes in their preparation for the World Meeting of Families in Dublin, in light of the year-long journey that will be shared by all the communities around the world.

The Guide, which will be presented on 21 August at Our Lady of Knock, foresees two work sessions to be held in fall and spring: the first includes an overview of the Pope’s words on faith and the world, with a focus on the key values of Francis’ ministry and extracted from Amoris Laetitia. It also contains an introduction to initiatives proposed to the parishes and a section on effective planning of related activities that can be done with the provided texts and videos and facilitate group discussions on various topics.

The spring session has a similar structure and gives the parish volunteers an opportunity to reflect on autumn’s activities. It also contains an introduction to Pope Francis’s document Amoris Laetitia and another to the six-part program for parishes based on “Amoris Laetitia,” which is intended to give local facilitators all the theoretical and practical elements necessary for the preparatory process.





20 August 2017
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