The new website
A big hug

A hug that welcomes all the laity and all the families of the world. This is what the new logo of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life Dicastery, that we are presenting today together with the completely renewed website, is intended to represent.
On the left side of the image, by Anna Formaggio, lay people are supporting the Bernini colonnade which embraces a group families. Among these people, there are women, men, children, young people, elderly people, and families - "simply the immense majority of the people of God" as the Evangelii Gaudium defines it - forming the Church and, at the same time, enjoying its maternal protection. This is a people with "the missionary dream of reaching everyone" (EG 31)".
From the colonnade and the families within it life is born. In the logo, this is represented by a flower sprouting from the extensions of the St. Peter columns.
The new website, in addition to telling about the Dicastery’s activities, wants to become a familiar place for lay people and families, where everyone will feel at ease and have chance to be heard. That is why we have decided to give ample space to the social networks, in the hope that, through this, we will be able to enter into dialogue with those who would like to follow us.
11 July 2017

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