The Charisms in the Church and in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
The report of Monsignor Delgado, the Prefect’s delegate at the General Conference on Catholic Fraternity

A few days ago, Monsignor Miguel Delgado Galindo, the delegate of the Dicastery Prefect, attended the General Conference on Catholic Fraternity (Southern European area), that took place in Rome on the theme of “The Charisms in the Church and in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal”, in the light of the Letter to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Iuvenescit Ecclesia (15 May 2016), on the relationship between the hierarchical and charismatic gifts for life and the mission of the Church.
Our delegate presented a report called “CHARIS: a new, single international service for the needs of Catholic Charismatic Renewal”. During his intervention, Monsignor Delgado was able to present the fundamental features of CHARIS which, as already announced by the Dicastery, will start operating on 8th December 2018. Desired by Pope Francis, CHARIS is a service offered to generate communion, cooperation, closeness and fraternity in favour of all expressions of Catholic Charismatic Renewal, an ecumenical current of grace which arose in the Church in 1967, two years after the end of Vatican Council II.
07 November 2018

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