Ad limina

At the service of the churches in Mexico and Burundi

In April and March Burundi and Mexico to visit the Dicastery
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In April and March, the Dicastery welcomed the bishops of Mexico and Burundi who came for their ad limina visit.


Burundi: an evangelization of "proximity"

Burundi's prelates described a country still deeply scarred by the decades-long civil war that broke out in 1993 staining it with blood for years. The Church's presence on the ground is very visible through its hospitals, schools and universities, orphanages and numerous social and charitable activities. With a very high percentage of Christians (63 % Catholics), the Church in Burundi shows signs of great vitality and dynamism. The basic ecclesial communities (BECs) contribute significantly to making the faith of Christians alive by grouping together most Catholic families in their respective dioceses for an evangelization of "proximity". In Burundi, which is a "young" country (56.3 % of its population is under 20 years of age), the associations and movements that are present contribute to the human and spiritual formation of the faithful, while preparation for marriage is mainly done by catechists.


Popular missions in Mexico to live Baptism in the world

As for Mexico, where the vast majority is Catholic, a distinctive liturgical participation and a marked popular religiosity emerged. With regard to the apostolate of the laity, generally quite active in the various ministries, much has been invested in formation, sometimes through Popular Missions as a means of renewing the faith and spiritual commitment of the faithful, and sometimes through synodal journeys as a way of living out one's baptism in the world. There are many apostolic movements and associations throughout the country, all striving to go forward together in the same direction. In the face of increasingly fragile families, the bishops point out the blossoming of pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-family lay movements.


Ad Limina Visit, Burundi
19 May 2023
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