Ad Limina
At the service of the Church in Namibia and Lesotho, Mali and CERNA
The Ad Limina Visits of the SECAM countries ended in November

With four Episcopal Conferences - Namibia, Lesotho, Mali and CERNA - the Visits ad Limina of the countries that are part of SECAM/SCEAM (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) for the pastoral year 2024/2025 came to an end.
Very different countries, cultures, societies with difficult realities and major challenges.
Namibia and Lesotho
Namibia and Lesotho are advanced and stable countries with a majority Christian society. Accompanying young people is increasingly a challenge, and being able to stay with them until adulthood is the task increasingly taken on by the movements and associations in the area.
In Mali, Christians are a minority in society. Yet, the Church is alive with the training of lay people and the accompaniment of young people and families. In the country, there are four centres for the training of catechists and pastoral agents who take care of small grassroots Church communities. During the pastoral year, Days are organised at the parish level and at the diocesan level for lay people, young people and children.
CERNA comprises the Ordinaries of four North African countries: Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Western Sahara. The last ad limina visit of CERNA was in 2015. The Church of North Africa is essentially a very international Church (it happens that around 30 different nationalities gather at mass in the cathedral), predominantly African, with a small core of North African Christians within it. The training of students in international universities is particularly lively. Coming from different Christian denominations, the young people in the chaplaincies are trained to live ecumenism on a daily basis, learning to pray together and to carry out various projects together (in particular solidarity projects with prisoners, the sick and other vulnerable people).
20 November 2024

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