Associations and Movements
Dicastery confirms recognition of "Via Pacis" as an international association of the faithful
Decree presented to the President and Founders

During a ceremony that took place in the Aula Magna of the Dicastery on Monday, June 26, the Decree by which the Via Pacis Association obtained confirmation of recognition as an international association of the faithful was presented.
The history of "Via Pacis": living and bearing witness to the Gospel of Peace
Founded in Riva del Garda (Trento, Italy) in 1979 upon the initiative of a young married couple, Paolo Maino and Eliana Aloisi, and a priest from the Diocese of Trento, Fr. Domenico Pincelli, the Via Pacis Association responded to the founders' desire to bring the Kingdom of God into the world starting from their own daily lives while becoming “saints together”. It is around this first nucleus that a community journey - specifically aimed at lay people - in favor of peace and reconciliation is born and the charism of the association begins to materialize: to live and bear witness to the Gospel of Peace, through the firm choice to live permanent forgiveness as a way of life, in a continuous search for reconciled relationships with God, self and neighbor.
Ambassadors of reconciliation in the very heart of the world
The Statutes read that "the members of the Via Pacis Association are called to live and bear witness to a personal and community holiness as ambassadors of reconciliation (cf. 2 Cor 5:20) in the heart of the world, carrying out their professional, family, ecclesial and social commitments daily while remaining faithful to the founding charism" (Art. 3). In an effort to fully live the spirituality of peace as a daily commitment, members of the association receive ongoing human and spiritual formation and lead an intense personal and community prayer life. The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life congratulates Via Pacis for the valuable apostolate generated by its members to bring the peace of Christ to the world for the benefit of all humanity and the mission of the Church.
28 June 2023

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