Some reflections by Father João Chagas, head of the Youth Section of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life.
I have a strong impression that the thread linking the texts presented at the press conference, starting with the Pope’s letter, is the desire to listen to young people, to make them ...
Pope Francis has addressed a letter to young people on the occasion of the presentation of the preparatory document for the coming XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the theme “Young people, faith and vocation discernment,” a document intended to be “like a compass along this path.” These are some of the Pope’s beautiful words.
Dear young people, “I wanted you to be the centre of attention, because you are in my heart,” as ” a Father who invites you to ‘go’, to set out towards a future which is unknown but one which will ...
Marta Rodríguez in Mexico City for a formation course of the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi
The meaning of femininity and of the body, the integration of the sexual and affective dimension in consecration, and the incarnation of a “prophetic femininity” today. Marta Rodríguez, head of our ...
In the Pope’s diocese a series of formative meetings for pastoral agents are being held on the content of “Amoris Laetitia” A course of formation for pastoral workers is beginning these days at the ...
Pope Francis’ encounter with the earthquake victims in the Italian regions of Marche, Umbria, Lazio and Abruzzo was opened with the Cross of the World Youth Day. Some young earthquake victims brought ...
Pope Francis to all Bishops
Let us not allow children to be deprived of joy! said Pope Francis, speaking personally to all the world’s Bishops on the day when the Church commemorates the Holy Innocents, the children, ...
Since Monday 14 November 2016 a new book collecting the proceedings of the last year International Sport Seminar is available at the Libreria Editrice Vaticana (the Vatican Bookstore). The ...
On August 15, 2016 the Holy Father has named His Excellency Msgr. Kevin Farrell, Bishop of Dallas, Prefect of the newly established Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life. H.E. Mgr. Kevin ...
At the start of the extraordinary Holy Year of the Redemption 1983-84, Pope John Paul II decided to place a fourmetre high wooden cross in Saint Peter’s Basilica so that everyone could see it. At the ...
In 2009, 17 young volunteers guided by the Centro San Lorenzo took the World Youth Day Cross to those affected by the earthquake in Aquila. It was a time of grace and intense consolation. Desiring ...