Directory of International Associations of the Faithful
The Directory lists only the international associations of the faithful
and other ecclesial realities
formally recognized or erected by the Dicastery
International Coordination of Young Christian Workers
OFFICIAL NAME International Coordination of Young Christian Workers ARCONYM ICYCW ESTABLISHED 1987 HISTORY The Young Christian ...
International Council of Catholic Men
OFFICIAL NAME International Council of Catholic Men Fédération Internationale des Hommes Catholiques ACRONYM ICCM ALSO KNOWN AS FIHC - ...
International Federation of Catholic Associations of the Blind
OFFICIAL NAME Fédération Internationale Des Associations Catholiques d’Aveugles ACRONYM FIDACA ESTABLISHED 1981 HISTORY FIDACA ...
International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations
OFFICIAL NAME International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations ACRONYM FIAMC (Fédération Internationale des Associations Médicales ...
International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Movements
OFFICIAL NAME Fédération Internationale des Mouvements Catholiques d'Action ...
International Federation of Pueri Cantores
OFFICIAL NAME Foederatio Internationalis Pueri Cantores ACRONYM FIPC ESTABLISHED 1947 HISTORY FIPC began as the Schola cantorum ...
International Federation of Rural Adult Catholic Movements
OFFICIAL NAME Fédération Internationale des Mouvements d’Adultes Ruraux Catholiques ACRONYM FIMARC ALSO KNOWN AS International ...
International Forum of Catholic Action
OFFICIAL NAME International Forum of Catholic Action ACRONYM IFCA FOUNDATION 1991 HISTORY FIAC was founded as an initiative ...
International Independent Christian Youth
OFFICIAL NAME International Independent Christian Youth ACRONYM JICI (Jeunesse Indépendente Chrétienne ...
International Military Apostolate
OFFICIAL NAME Apostolat Militaire International ACRONYM AMI YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT 1965 HISTORY Catholic military personnel of 10 ...
International Movement of Apostolate in the Independent Social Milieus
OFFICIAL NAME Mouvement International d’Apostolat des Milieux Sociaux Indépendants ACRONYM MIAMSI ESTABLISHED 1963 HISTORY At the ...
International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth
OFFICIAL NAME Mouvement International de la Jeunesse Agricole et Rurale Catholique ACRONYM MIJARC/IMCARY ALSO KNOWN AS International ...
International Movement of Catholic Students
OFFICIAL NAME International Movement of Catholic Students ACRONYM IMCS-Pax Romana ESTABLISHED 1921 HISTORY IMCS-Pax Romana ...
International Movement of the Apostolate for Children
OFFICIAL NAME International Movement of the Apostolate for Children ACRONYM MIDADE (Mouvement International d’Apostolat des ...
International Organism at the Service of the Parish Cell System of Evangelisation
OFFICIAL NAME International Organism at the Service of the Parish Cell System of Evangelisation ACRONYM SCPE ALSO KNOWN AS The Parish ...
International Union of Catholic Esperantists
OFFICIAL NAME Unione Internazionale Cattolica Esperantista ACRONYM IKUE (Internacia Katolika Unuigo Esperantista) ALSO KNOWN AS Catholic ...
International Union of Catholic Jurists
OFFICIAL NAME Union Internationale des Juristes Catholiques ACRONYM UIJC ALSO KNOWN AS International Union of Catholic ...
International Union of European Guides and Scouts European Scouting Federation
OFFICIAL NAME Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d’Europe - Fédération du Scoutisme Européen ACRONYM UIGSE-FSE or UIGSE ALSO ...
International Young Catholic Students
OFFICIAL NAME IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE International Young Catholic Students (IYCS) CURRENT NAME International Young Catholic Students ...
Jesus Youth
OFFICIAL NAME Jesus Youth ESTABLISHED 1985 HISTORY Jesus Youth is an International Association within the Catholic Church with a focus ...