Formation and Permanent Accompaniment

A meeting on the family at the Catholic University of Avila

“The families who will come to Dublin are called not only to evangelize their own families but also to announce the joy of love in their parish communities, which are in turn formed by families. This is how, in a sort of concentric circle, the family amplifies its range of action and gives the life of society and of the Church a family style.” This was said by the Dicastery’s delegate for the Family Section, Carlos Simon Vazquez, at a meeting in Avila promoted by the local Catholic University on the theme “The Family Matters.”

Msgr. Simon stressed that the World Meeting of Families, scheduled to be celebrated in Dublin from 21 to 26 August, will be the first after the Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” and the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The event in Ireland will follow their path: “In the family, mercy—said the delegate—is the foundation of forgiveness that makes people and situations new. Furthermore, Amoris Laetitia speaks loud and clear about the vocational dimension of marriage and the family. Now, a vocation must always be accompanied, guided, and nourished. Consequently,—concluded Msgr. Sìmon—there is, today, an urgent need for formation and permanent accompaniment.”



12 March 2018