Like Saint Joseph: Stewards of the lives of children, the elderly, the poorest, and the most defenceless
Holy Mass in preparation for Christmas for Vatican employees at Palazzo San Calisto, presided over by Cardinal Pietro Parolin

On 18 December, a Holy Mass in preparation for Christmas was held in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of His Holiness.
The Mass was jointly organized by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. As is now customary, all Vatican entities based at Palazzo San Calisto and local residents were invited to celebrate together the arrival of Christmas.
The celebration was presided over by Cardinal Parolin. In his homily, he reflected on the message offered by the Gospel of the day: ”Today, in preparing us for Christmas, the liturgy invites us to look at Christ through the eyes of Joseph.” The Cardinal Secretary of State continued: “Dear friends, this passage of the Gospel also enlightens us. It always happens this way: when God wants to communicate His grace and bring salvation to the world, there is first a need for someone to embrace God's plan within themselves and become an instrument of this grace, of this salvation. But welcoming every work of God involves a struggle, just as occurred with Joseph.”
His Eminence concluded with a wish and an encouragement: “This Christmas, let us ask the Lord to inspire generous hearts that, like Saint Joseph, become ‘stewards’ of the lives of children, the elderly, the poorest, and the most defenceless. Let us ask that many educators, like Saint Joseph, become ‘fathers’ to our young people, who are often lost and vulnerable. Above all, let us ask that many people feel the desire to become ‘stewards’ of peace and to ‘embrace the fatherhood’ of projects of reconciliation and justice, especially in the regions of the world that are torn asunder by horrible wars and deep hatred.”
Approximately 100 officials and employees, accompanied by their superiors, attended the celebration. Cardinals Kevin Farrell, Michael Czerny, Fabio Baggio, and Ennio Antonelli concelebrated at the altar.
20 December 2024

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