World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

“Blessed are those who have not lost hope" is the theme chosen by Pope Francis for the 5° World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

In a press release from the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, Pope Francis' choice for this jubilee year


The Holy Father has chosen the theme for the 5th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which will be celebrated this year on Sunday, 27 July: “Blessed are those who have not lost hope.” (cf. Sir 14, 2).

These words, taken from the Book of Sirach, express the beatitude of the elderly and show the hope in the Lord as the path to Christian and reconciled old age.

In the Jubilee year, this Day, established by Pope Francis in 2021, aims to provide an opportunity to reflect on the presence of grandparents and the elderly as a sign of hope in every family and ecclesial community.

The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life reiterates the call from Pope Francis to all people to celebrate the Day in every diocese and to dedicate the celebrations on Sunday, 27 July, to the elderly, encouraging visits and meetings between generations.



V Giornata Mondiale dei Nonni e degli Anziani

“Beato chi non ha perduto la sua speranza” (cfr. Sir 14,2)


5th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

“Blessed are those who have not lost hope” (cf. Sir 14:2)


5eme Journée Mondiale des Grands-parents et des Personnes âgées

“Heureux celui qui n’a pas perdu l’espoir” (cf. Si 14, 2)


V Jornada Mundial de los Abuelos y de los Mayores

“Feliz el que no ve desvanecerse su esperanza” (cf. Si 14,2)


V Dia Mundial dos Avós e dos Idosos

“Bem-aventurado aquele que não perdeu a esperança” (cf. Sir 14, 2)




04 February 2025