

 Domingo Edo, a young Filipino Catholic layman, was killed on 20 August as he went to a remote village near the mining town of Tampakan, in Mindanao Island, to carry out the work of ...


Young people from all over Asia have gathered in Yogyakarta on the island of Java, Indonesia for the 7th Asian Youth Day (2-6 August). They are being hosted by the Archdiocese of Semarang for this ...


Saturday, July 29th marked the end of Aparecida “Rota 300,” a missionary project that involved many young people. The initiative is part of a three-year pastoral project promoted by the Brazilian ...

Activities of the Dicastery
Some MEPs meet to discuss family policy issues

In recent days, at the headquarters of the Dicastery’s Family Section, Msgr. Carlos Simon met with a delegation of European parliamentarians led by Mr. Miroslaw Mikolasik (Slovakia). The delegation ...

Ad Limina Visit of Haiti’s Bishops

“The family is an invaluable asset for which we will never stop thanking God.” In these words, pronounced by Msgr. Yves-Marie Péan on the occasion of the Ad Limina visit of Haiti’s Bishops at the ...

Ad Limina Visit of the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Albania

“I prayed before that wall because Jesus was there.”—These are the words of an elderly Albanian man, quoted by Don Simon Kulli, Diocesan Administrator of Sapë, during the Ad Limina Visit of the ...

Ad Limina Visit of the Bishops of Guatemala

On Wednesday, 24 May, we had the joy of receiving thirteen Bishops from Guatemala for their Ad Limina Visit. In an atmosphere of fraternity, the Bishops told us of their joys and their hopes regarding ...

Ad Limina Visit of Peru’s Bishops

“Thanks to God, the value of the family, founded on the marriage between a man and a woman, continues to be a very important value for most Peruvians.” With these words, Msgr. Eguren Anselmi, ...

The Ad Limina visit of the Bishops of Chile

During their Ad Limina visit at the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, Chile’s Bishops told about how their country is grappling with the advance of a secularist culture. Yet, in this struggle, ...

Vietnam: Bishops launch the Year of the Family against divorce and marriage crisis

From the website of AsiaNews: “In 2016, there were over 60,000 divorce cases across the country. The causes of separation are family lifestyle, followed by adultery and violence. The crisis affects ...