Pope Francis loves the elderly and, from the beginning of his pontificate, and on numerous occasions, he has emphasized their indispensable role in dialogue with young people, in the transmission of the faith and in the youths’ rediscovery of their own roots.

The first International Conference on the pastoral care of the elderly "The richness of many years of life" is the response of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life to this calling of the Holy Father.

The meeting will focus on how to deal with the culture of discarding the elderly, their role in the family and their particular vocation in the Church. The Holy Father will receive the participants at a Special Audience.


Interview with Prefect Card. Farrell on the Conference which will bring together 550 participants from 60 countries

In the Church, the elderly have at times been forgotten, or considered somewhat of a burden, even while “they should be co-protagonists, by virtue of their immense experience, thanks to their many ...

The Richness of Many Years of Life
The first International Conference on the pastoral care of the elderly begins tomorrow

“The conference of the next few days is only the first step in a journey which we imagine will not be a short one; it shows that within the Church there is quite a great number of people who wish the ...

The first international conference for the pastoral care of the elderly begins today at the Augustinianum

“The pastoral care of the elderly is something new. We must start a process and set up a dialogue which can only be but a rough draft,” in that “our task in these days is to ask ourselves what the ...

The second session of the first international conference, “The Richness of Many Years of Life”

“The juxtaposition of the elderly and the family is fundamental for understanding the phenomenon of aging in a population that is ever more numerous, provided that it is clarified that when we speak ...

The third and final session of the first international conference “The Richness of Many Years of Life”

Opening the third and last session of the conference on the pastoral care of the elderly, which took place at the Augustinianum, Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, archivist and libraian of the Holy ...

The message of the Holy Father in audience with participants in the first international conference on the pastoral care of the elderly, “The Richness of Many Years of Life”

“When we think of the elderly and speak of them, especially in the pastoral dimension, we must learn to modify the verbs a little. There is not only the past, as if for the elderly there exists only ...

Publication of the e-book: “The Richness of Many Years of Life”

After launching the campaign “Every senior is your grandparent - #SendYourHug,” which has had an incredible resonance throughout the world, the e-book “The Richness of Many Years of Life,” a ...

Starting today, French and Spanish translations of the proceedings of the first international conference on the pastoral care of the elderly are available for free online

The first international conference on the pastoral care of the elderly was an important ecclesial moment during which the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life—as Card. Farrell observed in his ...

Card. Kevin Farrell

Introduzione di Sua Eminenza, Card. Kevin Farrell Congresso internazionale “La ricchezza degli anni” Eccellenze reverendissime, cari ospiti,  benvenuti al primo Congresso internazionale di ...

Prof. Giuseppe De Rita

Giuseppe De Rita  Presidente del Censis L’età della longevità Ho scelto di utilizzare la parola longevità nel titolo della mia relazione per suggerire un cambiamento di linguaggio: parlare di ...

Prof. Marco Impagliazzo

Un cambiamento d’epoca, anche per l’anzianità  “Non viviamo in un’epoca di cambiamento, ma un cambiamento d’epoca”: dice Papa Francesco. Ogni aspetto del nostro tempo va perciò compreso sulla ...

Mons. Antonio Peruzzo

Breve histórico da Pastoral da Pessoa Idosa  A Pastoral da Pessoa Idosa (PPI) foi fundada em 05 de novembro de 2004. Sua idealizadora foi Zilda Arns Neumann, mulher de grande intuição. Percebendo ...

P. Moises Lucondo O.F.M. Cap.

O IDOSO EM ANGOLA  Por Fr. Moisés Lucondo, Ordem dos Frades Menores Capuchinhos  No Encontro “La ricchezza degli anni” Em Roma a  29 de Janeiro de 2020 Eminência Kevin Cardeal ...

Prof.ssa Donatella Bramanti

La ricchezza degli anni Congresso internazionale di pastorale degli anziani Roma, 29 – 31 gennaio 2020 Anziani e famiglia Donatella Bramanti  Abstract Il binomio anziani e famiglia è fondamentale ...

Maria Voce

Congresso Internazionale di pastorale degli anziani  “La Ricchezza degli anni” Roma, 30 gennaio 2020 Il Dialogo tra le generazioni Maria Voce Ho accolto con gioia l’invito ad offrire, nell’ambito ...

Monique Bodhuin

La génération des aînés, une génération à accompagner spirituellement. Monique Bodhuin, présidente de Vie Montante Internationale.  Salutations et remerciements Eminence, Excellences, Mesdames, ...

Catherin Wiley

Catherine Wiley, The Elderly, a Challenge and Opportunity for the Family   Good Morning Everybody. We would like to thank His Eminence, Kevin Cardinal Farrell, Fr.  Alexandre Awi, Prof. ...

Giovanni Paolo Ramonda

Congresso Anziani Roma 30  gennaio 2020  Pontificio Consiglio Laici, Famiglia e Vita.  Dio ha creato la famiglia gli uomini hanno inventato gli istituti diceva il servo di Dio don ...

Card. José Tolentino de Mendonça

  Congresso Internazionale di pastorale degli anziani   La ricchezza degli anziani Roma, 29-31 gennaio 2020 *** Intervento di Sua Eminenza Card. José Tolentino de Mendonça La vocazione degli ...

P. Alexandre Awi Mello

A espiritualidade dos idosos e as raízes do santo povo fiel de Deus  Palestra no Congresso Internacional de Pastoral da Pessoa Idosa Pe. Alexandre Awi Mello, ISch. Secretário do Dicastério para ...

Mario Noguer

Presentación Dicasterio para los Laicos, la Familia y la Vida “La riqueza de los años”  Muy buenas tardes mi nombre es Mario Noguer Fernández soy Asistente Social y el Encargado Nacional de la ...

Prof. Peter Kevern

Round Table: We must invent old age (La vecchiaia dobbiamo inventarcela) Peter Kevern, Treasures both new and old. Inventing old age in the Catholic tradition When was the last time somebody said to ...

Dominic Lombardi

Mary M. Cohen, Reinventing Older Adulthood: A U.S. Perspective  Thank you for the opportunity to share a summary of our findings about older adult ministry in the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the ...

Maria Elisa Petrelli

LA PASTORAL DE LAS PERSONAS MAYORES EN LA PASTORAL ORDINARIA  MARIA ELISA PETRELLI  La pastoral de las personas mayores en la Argentina está integrada como Área de Adultos Mayores en el ...

Prof.ssa Gabriella Gambino

Quanto abbiamo ascoltato e appreso in questi giorni sulla condizione delle persone anziane nel mondo ci pone di fronte a enormi sfide di carattere culturale, pastorale e spirituale. Ci sono luoghi ...

Introduction - The Church and the elderly

Card. Kevin Farrell

The age of longevity

Prof. Giuseppe De Rita

The elderly, richness for the church

Prof. Marco Impagliazzo

Round table

The Church with and for the elderly

Mons. Antonio Peruzzo

P. Moises Lucondo O.F.M. Cap.

Family and the elderly

Prof.ssa Donatella Bramanti

The dialogue between generations

Maria Voce

The elderly, a generation to accompany spiritually

Monique Bodhuin

Roun table

The elderly: a challenge and an opportunity for the family

Catherine Wiley

Giovanni Paolo Ramonda

The vocation of the elderly within the church

Card. José Tolentino de Mendonça

The spirituality of the elderly and the roots of the holy faithful people of God

P. Alexandre Awi Mello

Round table

We must invent old age

Mario Noguer

Dominic Lombardi

Peter Kevern

The pastoral care of the elderly in ordinary pastoral care

Maria Elisa Petrelli

Conclusions - Towards a pastoral care of the elderly

Gabriella Gambino