Youth in action

in a Synodal Church

XI International Youth Forum

Almost 250 young people from over 100 countries participate in the XI International Youth Forum entitled: "Youth in action in a synodal Church. The meeting, convened by the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life, follows the synodal process of last year and the publication of the apostolic exhortation "Christus vivit"





ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO PARTICIPANTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM Clementine Hall Saturday, 22 June 2019 Dear young friends, I am very happy to meet you at the conclusion of ...

Press release from the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life

These are the themes chosen by Pope Francis for the three-year World Youth Day itinerary that will culminate with the international event scheduled for 2022 in Lisbon: 35th World Youth Day, 2020 ...

A Church going forth, towards a synodal, people-oriented and missionary youth care pastoral

The emotion in Father Alexandre Awi Mello’s voice was noticeable as he closed the works of the XI International Youth Forum dedicated to the Synod and the Apostolic Exhortation Christus vivit. “Your ...

The Ripe Fruit of the Youth Synod

A message for all young people in the world, inspired "by the wealth of reflections and conversations that emerged from last year’s Synod”, that refers to all young people without distinction, ...

The first day of works at the XI International Youth Forum

“During the Synod we shared, we toiled together, we worked together, we rejoiced together to be a Church together”: with these words His Eminence, Cardinal. Lorenzo Baldisseri took the young people ...


Young people participating in the 11th International Forum, organized by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, really have arrived "from a thousand different roads". Yesterday evening, ...

Youth in action in a Synodal Church



More than 250 young people from more than 110 countries will participate in the XI International Youth Forum titled “Youth in action in a synodal Church”. The meeting, organized by the Dicastery for ...

Tuesday 18 June

Arrival of participants, dinner and notices (free evening)


Wednesday 19 June

The synodal journey and its impact at the local Church level

08:30 Prayer

09:00 ASSEMBLY: Words of welcome − Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life (DLFL) and Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops

Presentation of delegates

Presentation of the programme and the objectives of the Forum - Rev. João Chagas, head of the DLFL Youth Office

10:00 PANEL: The synodal journey leading to Christus Vivit

− Rev. Giacomo Costa, special secretary at the Synod on Youth

− Gioele Anni (young auditor at the Synod) and Joyce Zako (national director of youth ministry in Uganda)

11:30 PANEL: The participation of young people in the synodal process

Open discussion

15:00 WORK GROUPS: The results of the synodal journey felt in our Church communities

17:30 ASSEMBLY: Feedback from work groups

19:00 MASS (Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri)


Thursday 20 June

Christus Vivit, the culmination of the Synod on youth

08:30 LECTIO DIVINA: Their eyes were opened (Lk 24:31) − Prof. Rosalba Manes, Lecturer in Biblical Theology


- A gr eat message for all young people (Ch IV, 111) − Prof. Robert

Cheaib, Lecturer in Fundamental Theology

- Video: selected excerpts from Christus Vivit

09:45 PANEL: Young people speak about Christus Vivit

11:15 PANEL: Youth ministry leaders speak

12:15 Open discussion

15:00 WORK GROUPS: In what ways does Christus Vivit inspire the world around us?

17:30 ASSEMBLY: Feedback from work groups

19:00 MASS (Rev. Alexandre Awi Mello, DLFL Secretary)



Friday 21 June

Youth in action in a synodal Church: our contribution


09:00 PANEL:  From dreams to decisions: accompanying young people on their vocational journey − Rev. Rossano Sala, special secretary at the Synod on Youth

- On the way towards a synodal, people-oriented and missionary pastoral ministry − Rev. Alexandre Awi Mello

09:45 Conversation with the Assembly

11:00 WORK GROUPS: How can we go forward on our synodal journey together with our Church communities?

15:00 ASSEMBLY: Feedback from work groups

17:00 - Young people’s shared responsibility in the Church – A response to the Synod exhortation − Rev. Alexandre Awi Mello

- Final summary − Rev. João Chagas

19:00 MASS (Bishop Fabio Fabene, Undersecretary of the Synod of Bishops)

21:00 Festive evening


Saturday 22 June

09:00 MASS IN THE BASILICA (Presided in English by Cardinal Kevin Farrell)


13:00 Packed lunch and departures

Ita - Eng - Esp - Fra

XI Forum Internazionale dei Giovani - Messaggio finale dei partecipanti Siamo il volto di Cristo, pienamente vivo. Durante questi giorni abbiamo realmente sperimentato la Chiesa universale e la ...


Saludo de S. Em. Card. Kevin Farrell con ocasión de la audiencia del Santo Padre concedida a los participantes al Foro Internacional de los Jóvenes Santo Padre: Estamos aquí, ante usted, los ...


Introductory address by Cardinal Kevin Farrell on the occasion of the papal audience granted to the International Youth Forum participants. Holy Father,  Here before you are the ...


DISCURSO DEL SANTO PADRE FRANCISCO A LOS PARTICIPANTES EN EL FORO INTERNACIONAL DE JÓVENES Sala Clementina Sábado, 22 de junio de 2019 Queridos jóvenes: Estoy muy contento de encontrarlos al ...


  DISCOURS DU PAPE FRANÇOIS AUX PARTICIPANTS AU FORUM INTERNATIONAL DES JEUNES Salle Clémentine Samedi, 22 juin 2019 Chers jeunes Je suis très heureux de vous rencontrer à la fin du 11ème ...


Testo del discorso di papa Francesco ai partecipanti allo #YouthForum19


ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO PARTICIPANTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM Clementine Hall Saturday, 22 June 2019 Dear young friends, I am very happy to meet you at the conclusion of ...


Youth ministry that is synodal, people-oriented and missionary - PPT   Rev. Alexandre Awi   1. Introduction First of all, although many probably already know me, I would like to introduce ...


Hacia una pastoral juvenil sinodal, popular y misionera - PPT


DAI SOGNI ALLE DECISIONI Accompagnare i giovani nel percorso vocazionale   «Sono venuto a portare il fuoco sulla terra; e come vorrei che fosse già acceso!» (Lc 12,49). Sono le parole del Signore ...


From dreams to decisions accompanying young people on their vocational journey   “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Lk 12:49). These are the words ...


Si aprirono loro gli occhi (Lc 24,31) Si fermarono col volto triste, la luce spenta negli occhi, la speranza sepolta nel cuore. Dei passi calpestavano il terreno, ma senza energia, non si udiva il ...


Then their eyes were opened (Lk 24:31) They came to a halt with sorrowful faces, the light faded from their eyes, hope buried deep down in their hearts. Steps were treading the ground, but they lacked ...

Eng - Esp

Homilía – 20/6/2019 – Fiesta de Corpus Christi – Foro Internacional de los Jóvenes   1.   En muchas partes se celebra hoy Corpus Christi (Brasil, Alemania), también en el ...


Omelia per la Santa Messa Roma, 19 giugno 2019 Forum Internazionale dei Giovani – Riunione postsinodale   2a  Lettera ai Corinti 9, 6-11 Salmo 111, 1b-4.9 Vangelo secondo Matteo 6, ...


Homily Rome, 19 June 2019 International Youth Forum – Post Synod Meeting   2nd Letter to the Corinthians 9: 6-11 Psalm 111: 1b-4.9 Gospel according to Matthew 6: 1-6.16-18 I am truly happy to ...


The Synodal Journey leading to "Christus vivit" - Sharing experiences from Uganda: before, during and after the Synod - by Joyce Zako, National youth coordinator (PPT)


XI Forum Internazionale dei Giovani PANEL: Il cammino sinodale fino alla Christus Vivit Mercoledì 19 giugno 2019   Intervento di Gioele Anni (giovane uditore del Sinodo 2018)   Care amiche, ...


1. Il Sinodo: una esperienza di Chiesa   I frutti di questo lavoro stanno già “fermentando”, come fa il succo dell’uva nelle botti dopo la vendemmia. Il Sinodo dei giovani è stato una buona ...


SALUTO INIZIALE AL FORUM INTERNAZIONALE DEI GIOVANI GIOVANI IN AZIONE IN UNA CHIESA SINODALE   Eminenza Reverendissima, carissimi giovani, Sono lieto di prendere la parola all’inizio di questo ...


WORDS OF WELCOME AT THE INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FORUM YOUTH IN ACTION IN A SYNODAL CHURCH I am happy to address you at the beginning of this International Forum to greet you all and to tell you ...


1. The Synod: an experience of Church The results of this labour are already ‘fermenting’, just as grape juice does in the barrels after the harvest. The Synod of young people was a good harvest and ...


Good Morning. My name is Isabella McCafferty and I am excited about the opportunity to participate in this upcoming international forum. I have attended two earlier meetings here in Rome as part of ...


Je suis Desfortunées FEUPEUSSI, Camerounaise, responsable des jeunes de la communauté de l'Emmanuel au Cameroun. Je suis gestionnaire de la relation client et du marketing sur les réseaux sociaux. ...


Buenos días. Agradezco la presencia de los periodistas y les pido que nos ayuden a divulgar la “buena noticia” que significa este Foro Internacional de los Jóvenes, que se realizará aquí en Roma, en ...


Un primo contributo che il processo sinodale ha offerto è stato la valorizzazione di luoghi in cui ci si possa ritrovare corresponsabili della missione della Chiesa. Quando ho partecipato alla ...
